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Clicker 1.0: A key-click commodity
An Amiga running at least release 2.0 of the OS (KickStart V36 or better),
a keyboard, and a loudspeaker to hear the sounds through.
This program is in the Public Domain. That means you can legally create and
publish an improved version and claim full copyright over it; in fact I would
probably help you do so in any way I can. Even claiming copyright over my
unmodified work would technically be legal, but you would make yourself look
like a complete arse if you did. In fact I would probably help you do so in
any way I can.
I'm serious. Take a look at the sources, they're quite clean and readable if
you are familiar with C. It's pure ANSI C and not (too) dependent on any
particular compiler.
This program makes a clicking noise each time you press a key.
Call me crazy (I mean really, go ahead, everybody's doing it) but I hate to
use keyboards that don't click. Why? Well first of all I find no
encouragement in a machine which just doesn't seem to care. The Amiga is a
caring and personal system and it should give you some kind of happy feedback
--just to show you that it's listening.
Second I like to type without having to look intently at the screen all the
time. Whether it's because somebody is talking to me and I have to pretend
to listen patiently while I'm really still programming, or just because the
A4000 keyboard doesn't have a reassuring clonk to it so you have to press the
keys all the way down to make sure that it got the message. Clicker lets me
type lighter and faster because one gets to know exactly how much pressure
the keys require.
Oh and third of course, it annoys the hell out of everybody in a five-meter
radius so they have something to talk about and can stop worrying about their
own problems for a minute (it's an odd thing really that so few people at
university appreciate what I'm doing for them). Try it!
This is the simple part. Just drag the program icon anywhere you like. If
you want Clicker to be started automatically when you boot your computer, drag
it into the WBStartup drawer on your system disk.
Double-clicking the Clicker icon or typing its name from the shell will start
the program. Once Clicker is running, double-clicking the icon or typing the
name again will bring up the program's preferences window. This is still very
primitive (no loading or saving yet), but at least it lets you alter volume,
pitch and duration of the clicks.
The window can also be brought up by selecting Clicker's entry from the
program list in the Commodities Exchange window and clicking on the Show
Interface button. You can also disactivate and reactivate Clicker from there,
or quit the program altogether.
Here's an overview of the controls in the preferences window:
* Click Mouse Button: If you want Clicker to make its key-click noise for
mouse-button presses as well as when keys are pressed, select the "Click
Mouse button" gadget.
* Pitch: You can pick any tone from the musical scale for the key-click
noise. The frequency in Hertz is shown next to the Pitch slider;
Drag the slider to the left to get a lower tone, or to the right to get a
higher one. Unfortunately there's only a very short range of useful
pitches at the moment.
(For the musically literate user: In a vain and deluded attempt to not offend
anybody's ears the tone of the clicks can be selected over a 9-octave range of
the equal-temperament tuning based on the 440-Hertz A)
* Length: This determines how long the noise of every click should last.
Because the duration of a key click is typically very short, the Length
setting does not regulate the number of microseconds the sound is played, but
the number of times the entire wave-form sample is played altogether. This
means that with the same Length setting you will get longer duration for low
pitches than with higher pitches.
Shell command-line template: PITCH/N VOLUME/N LENGTH/N CLICKMOUSE/S
Icon tooltypes:
PITCH=<frequency in Hertz>
VOLUME=<loudness between 1 and 64>
LENGTH=<length of click>
See USAGE for an explanation of these settings.
Jeroen Vermeulen, currently still a Computer Science student at the university
of Leiden, The Netherlands but soon to be unleashed upon an unprepared outside
world. It will be hard for life to adjust itself to me again, but I'll be
damned if I'm going to work with Windows. Got a position open by any chance?
Mail: jvermeul@wi.leidenuniv.nl / jtv@xs4all.nl
Phone/Fax: +31.20.6258990
Martijn van Hasselt - for using this program and not calling me mad, even
behind my back (yes Martijn, I *have* been tapping your phone).
Manfred Schmitt - for walking into a shop and saying "I want to buy Commodore
Computers"... and not responding to the question "how many?"
(lots of 0.x versions that you don't want to know about unless you're one of
my beta testers, but they inexplicably insisted on remaining anonymous)
1.0 - First public release